Thursday 1 March 2012

DevelO.P.Ing An Obsession

"If you like it, then you should have put a gem on it"

Already becoming addicted to blogging and re-painting my nails! Normally I automatically paint my nails in the very safe and subtle (almost non-existent shades..) of 'Passion' and 'Isn't That Precious?' however the other day while looking through the racks of nail polish in the beauty department I decided to upgrade my matte nudes into a sparkling new alternative - 'Princesses Rule!'. Not content with taking my girlie pinks to a new level, I have started bedazzling too! 

A Bailarina Português

As this is my first post I thought it only right to dedicate it to my new friend who has inspired me to start blogging - Catia! Having met Catia while studying 'Luxury Brand Management and Product Design' at LCF with Pascal Portanier, I was very impressed with her perfectly neat ballerina bun, flawless makeup and of course her polar bear jacket. So inspired by Catia - here is my ballerina bun! 

Catia's blog: